Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Is Computer Game Good for Us ?

              In the modern era computer is very important. Example for working, studying, selling something, and game. People after they are working or studying they usually gaming in computer. Many game in computer, online or offline. In week people talk about computer games problem. Is computer game good for us ?.
            Some peole argue that game is good. Why ?, because many computer game industri in the world. If game is not good, people who work in the computer game industri must released bacause compueter game not needed again.
            Student argue that computer game is good too. They say after they studying in school full day in six day. They must refresh thier brain. One of way is gaming in computer. They feel fresh after they gaming in computer.
            But, Other people say that computer game is not advantage. They feel computer game make their children lazy. They feel computer game make their money always minus. Because gamer always looking for a new game although must they lost a money.
            As a result of this controversy, people can’t still without computer game. Because their industri or their activity. Computer game not bad too. A game can make learn our right brain. So, maybe computer some people must think computer game in other side.

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