Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

The culture of magetan

The culture of Magetan, ? What is culture ?, culture is derived from Sanskrit buddhayah, which is the plural form of the buddhi (mind or intellect) is defined as the things pertaining to the mind and human reason. In the English language, culture called culture, which is derived from the Latin word Colere, the process or work. Can be interpreted also as cultivate the land or farming. The word culture is also sometimes translated as "culture" in Indonesian.
This is from various districts in Magetan.
kecamatan Karangrejo
Baluk village: Baluk village has a unique culture that is jedor. jedor was like dancing or dancing, but the play was not a haphazard that plays jedor it is the person above the age of 40 years usually consists 15orang players. Not only fathers aja ya can show off the youth in the village Baluk could also show off the group hadrohnya.

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